Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Awayokuba-kiru ~ UVERworld

We can easily say "love" with our mouths
But what is the shape of the ultimate love?
The response of my past love was
"Unable to give an answer, everything disappeared"
Now everything is up to you

Trying to shine on your heart, I tried to become the midnight sun
When I extend my hand, you're so close that I can touch you, and yet I can't know everything

For raising love, you never say never to time
A long time is always needed, and when you lose it, it's beyond the speed of light
Up to you

If you passed away from this world, I'd chase after you and depart from this world
I'll give you such a love so you won't have the loneliness of being alone anymore
Make go for the next step
We take in everything, and we become free
I hope that I don't make you sad, I'll extend my hands to the sun again
If there's a chance, take away everything along with my heart


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